Monday, September 10, 2007

Gay Christian
This website was started by a friend of mine from high school. I challenge everybody, especially christians, to read and think about it. I especially like how he allows a place for both sides: GLBT who believe they are called to be celibate by the bible, and those who believe they are allowed monogamous relationships. I think that civil dialogue and honest discussion combined with sincere belief in the bible are what are desperately needed in the church. You may disagree with Justin's position, but if you know him and you read the website, you cannot deny that he and his website place their faith in Jesus Christ first.


Sunday, September 9, 2007

Good news on the Green front

Good news on the technology front. Another hopeful wanna-be, maybe, but just imagine if it was true. An end to gas stations, revolution in energy, Exxon out of business. That would be a shift.